Sunday, April 26, 2009

Yavnee’l, Israel: Building the Temple Within

We just completed two full days of workshops here in the north of Israel, in a small farming community of Yavnee’l. Joining us were peace workers, healers and spiritual seekers.

There was a woman from France who now wants to bring Grandmother Drum to France. Another woman is from Germany and does peace work in Jerusalem bringing together Jews, Germans and Palestinians…Wow. Now this is truly a healing triangle. Another woman is from Switzerland. As everyone speaks English as a second language, it was good that the Grandmother Drum could speak to everyone in their Mother Tongue…. the heartbeat!

The first day were welcomed by our host Dorit Bat Shalom and held ceremony at her Center for Sacred Arts and Healing perched on the hillside overlooking the patchwork landscape.  In the dry heat, Grandmother Drum played her deep, resonate heartbeat over the valley activating the recently planted fields below. It was a day of journeying with the heartbeat, healing circles and chanting sacred music until our hearts overflowed.

 On the second day, we shared some Rainbow Fire Medicine Wheel Teachings. We had a group Spirit Walk session and received guidance from the Grandfather Sheyba, talking with us about the new manna of the Israelites and eating this new manna to maintain the Golden Orb of our awakening. The recipe was given in detail, which included gold, (monatomic and white powder) frankincense and Myrrh, Palladium and a tree root that was called the Sieb tree. These are made into “ cakes” and eaten as super food to feed the luminous body and to maintain the Golden Orb (Halo).

 We were also taught to use clear quartz crystal to superconduct our drinking water so that it will once again be alive. He also taught us about a new cleanse for the body.

There was a tremendous amount of healing and insight gained for many people here who are still experiencing PTSD from the holocaust to the more recent wars and bombing. It’s such a delicate place in the heart to be working and I feel tremendously humbled by the people’s intense passion and courage to heal and to plant peace where fear once lived.

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